IOLab_1.80.1615 for Mac - (06-17-2024) - Addressed a rare issue on Macs where newer machines running Sonoma would hang on a blank screen when starting the applicaiton. IOLab_1.80.1605 - (02-21-2021) - Addressed a rare Windows dongle detection issue caused by WMI errors on some Win-10 computers. If the dongle is not detected on Win-10 computers the user should install the windows driver as per the instructions at and then run this new version of the application. IOLab_1.79.1602 - (09-27-2020) - Addressed Mac dongle detection issue that required a different version for OSX 10.13 or older. - Remove code that wrote to console.log file every second when dongle is not plugged in. - Added an environment variable "IOLabRootDir" that can be set to determine where the IOLab-Workfiles folder is created. This is useful to address a very rare problem on on some Windows computers where the dafault path to the Documents folder contains Chinese or Korean charaters that causes the system call used to locate the Document folder to fail. In these cases, set IOLabRootDir to something simple like "c:\temp" (after creating that folder) and the application will work. IOLab_1.78.1597 - (08-16-2020) - Addressed Mac dongle detection issue that caused problems when an external monitor was plugged into a USB-C adapter at the same time as an IOLab dongle. - Fixed the title on parametric plots to be consistent with "y vs x". - Added a 4th digit to the right of the decimal place for analog inputs since the accuracy of averaged DC values is generally better than 0.0001 V. The default display accuracy of mean and standard deviation values for all sensors is now controllable via parameters in config.json. - When the repository window is opened by clicking on the cloud it is now made a bit smaller and is positioned lower so that it does not cover the applications upload button (cloud with arrow). - The drop-down menus for selecting DAC voltages, smoothing values, and FFT ranges, have been improved for ease of use. IOLab_1.78.1590 - (08-06-2020) - Replaces versions 1.77.1584 which had a bug causing 0.1 second of data to be lost approximately every 2.5 seconds. Other features are the same as those in 1.77.1584. IOLab_1.77.1584 - (05-28-2020) - Repository: display notification when exporting acquisition run to indicate that only the last run is exported - Repository: fix issue preventing the user to access to the repository since the introduction of the RSSI sensor - Fix issue with calibration of the accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope introduced with the RSSI sensor (wrong sensor displayed) - Adapt the csv export file name for the analog sensors to fix export issue on Windows - RSSI calibration constant adjustment - Allow the user to specify the Z component for the calibration of the magnetometer in the user config file (config.json). For this the only parameter that matters is "earthMagneticFieldZ": -50.7 You should replace the -50.7 with whatever the value is at your location: IOLab_1.77.1578 - (04-13-2020) - RSSI implementation (signal strength) IOLab_1.76.1574 - (02-06-2020) - Win32: New build of EnumSer.exe (x86 instead of x64) IOLab_1.76.1573 - (01-15-2020) - Display c++ driver version in the About window - Win32: Create windows installer with code signing certificate - Win32: Move EnumSer.exe to resources folder - Win32: Fix issue with dongle detection on Windows when too many serial ports used - Fix issue with duplicated acquisition files present in the WorkFiles folder when opening the Resource Manager modal (empty page) IOLab_1.74.1560 - (08-03-2019) - Remove ECG3 sensor - Add new analog output sensor (output 1, 2 and 3) - Player: code block command for the output configuration IOLab_1.73.1556 - (05-13-2019) - Player: Improve report PDF export (prevent extra blank pages) - Player: Do not display section "Acquisition Sets" in the player when all charts are hidden - Rollback to Electron 2.0.18 (MathJax issue with Electron 4 and 5) IOLab_1.73.1550 - (04-24-2019) - Upgrade mingw version to i686-8.1.0-win32-sjlj-rt_v6-rev0 (build on Windows 10) - Upgrade to electron 4.1.4 (node 10) IOLab_1.72.1546 - (04-09-2019) - Fix ECG9 crash when too long acquistion IOLab_1.71.1545 - (04-05-2019) - Fix config.js to display live value during Micro and Light sensors acquisition - Fix calibration crash issue (tentative to be confirmed) IOLab_1.71.1543 - (04-01-2019) - Use the selected traces from the chart mode to determine the coordinate to use within the parametric plot mode and vise-versa, the selection of the coordinate in the parametric plot set the selected traces in the chart mode - Export the 9 ecg9 traces instead of the 6 raw traces IOLab_1.70.1535 - (03-15-2019) - Swap axis feature for the parametric plots - Custom configuration file (IOLab-WorkFiles/config.json) - Display digital values on chart component when collapsed IOLab_1.70.1530 - (02-06-2019) - Fix calibration issue introduced in release 1.70.1525 IOLab_1.70.1525 - (02-04-2019) - Implement 5 minutes timer for remote battery saving - Notification in case of acquisition export (csv + repository) when more than one run - Mac: remote status detection fix at application start (remote 2) - Fix: pdftk issue on Mac - Impossible to export report with more than one slide - Technical: Format configuration file as a pure json file instead of AngularJS service - Technical: code refactoring (typescript for the main services) IOLab_1.69.1505 - (01-17-2019) - Win32: remote status detection fix at application start - Technical: improve build scripts IOLab_1.68.1498 - (10-05-2018) - Win32: Pdftk is now embedded in the IOLab bundle (no need to install the package any more on win32) - Fix calibration directory value displayed in calibration expert modal when opened from a lesson/report IOLab_1.67.1497 - (09-26-2018) - Save barometer and thermometer calibration constants for acquisition reload and lessons - Fix: when the calibration modal for expert mode is opened from a report, display the list of calibrations from the report IOLab_1.66.1495 - (09-23-2018) - Fix: display correct smoothing value for all components of the wheel sensor after change IOLab_1.66.1493 - (08-30-2018) - win32: no more need to install the driver to user IOLab on win32 - Display slope on the chart statistics with 3 digits precision - Adapt default analog sensor scale range to [-0.5, 4] IOLab_1.65.1491 - (05-19-2018) - Upgrade to 2.0.0, to fix the issue with OneDrive Files On-Demand (Windows) - Technical: Update chart-component to be sync with IOLabRepository IOLab_1.65.1487 - (01-31-2018) - Player: add support for a new question type: image upload. IOLab_1.65.1482 - (11-27-2017) - Allow the user to import activity archive (zip file) via a button on the resources modal - Player: Display only the embedded documentation file in the lesson list (hide documentation located in the IOLab-Workfiles folder) - Player: Auto size the text area input fields in reports (prevent issue with the export to PDF) - Player: Prevent the user to double click on the "next" button (skip slide issue) - Autoscroll to the active acquisition or lesson in the resources modal IOLab_1.65.1472 - (10-27-2017) - Include documentation in the application resources and make it available without need to installation it in activity folder - Player: allow the user to navigate to slides beyond the current active slides (to ease slide design by instructors) - Replace the alerts by toastr notifications - Save rezeroing offset for the force probe in the calibration file so that the value is used between different acquisitions - Fix issue in the player where the snapshot x-y-scales were not always restored when navigating back to a slide introduced in version 1.64.1450 IOLab_1.64.1457 - (09-13-2017) - Allow the user to export lab report to PDF file (need external dependency pdftk) macosx installer: win32 installer: IOLab_1.64.1452 - (07-03-2017) - Fix slide navigation chart-container reload management when the remote is powered off/on IOLab_1.64.1450 - (06-29-2017) - Fix smoothing path chart issue when adding a new run IOLab_1.63.1448 - (06-26-2017) - Allow float values for the default y-axis settings configuration at the chart level - Upgrade to 1.6.11 IOLab_1.63.1447 - (06-08-2017) - Generate automatically all the work file directories at the application start (Including the activity folder) - Workaround for the set_output_config firmware issue; send three times the command at the protocol level IOLab_1.62.1445 - (06-02-2017) - Player: fix an issue with the chart display when the user goes back to a slide containing charts IOLab_1.62.1443 - (05-15-2017) - Improve Wheel sensor smoothing rendering during acquisition run IOLab_1.61.1441 - (05-10-2017) - Fix FFT issue introduced in the previous version - Restore the availability of the statistic mode during acquisition runs - Do not show activities in the resource list modal if the activity html file or folder name containing activities starts with the underscore character (_) - Change \Omega to \omega character in gyroscope chart legend/descriptions IOLab_1.61.1435 - (05-05-2017) - Chart time average is now computed backend side (average data are exported to the repository and to csv files) IOLab_1.60.1428 - (04-04-2017) - Make the header 3.3V as the default configuration instead of 3.0V IOLab_1.60.1425 - (03-27-2017) - Allow user to start sensor calibration even if an acquisition is currently loaded - Add an interface to configure the DAC in the output config - Player: Add the possibility to use the output config in the player (add attribute 'show-output-config' to the code-block element) IOLab_1.59.1418 - (01-26-2017) - Replace the blue iolab images by red images in the calibration process. IOLab_1.59.1416 - (01-06-2017) - Make the fixed configuration dropdown only appearing when in expert mode (accessible via the option menu). - API: force the scale to 3.3V for the analog sensors of the fixed configurations 0x013, 0x014 and 0x015. IOLab_1.58.1408 - (12-07-2016) - Fix application crash when clicking two times on button “Next” in the last calibration step - Custom fixed configurations from firmware update are now managed by the application - The user can now select the available fixed configurations via a dropdown beside the previous sensor selector IOLab_1.57.1399 - (11-17-2016) - Player: update documentation for scrollable slides - Player: add new slide option to display sensor selector as in the iolab acquisition mode - Fix player issue: When the user click on “Add run” before saving the slide, the chart data are not saved! The same issue appears if the instructor includes the command block command player-add-run. IOLab_1.57.1388 - (10-25-2016) - Player: allow two remotes acquisition - Fix issue with Windows shared folder IOLab_1.56.1379 - (09-27-2016) - Fix application crash when re-zeroing the force probe while two remotes are configured IOLab_1.55.1377 - (09-23-2016) - New re-zeroing mode for the force probe - Now it is possible to re-zero the sensor when the acquisition is not running and when there is not range selection. In that case, the current physical remote setting is used. - Fix issue with the ECG chart mode selection (analysis, zoom, translation) IOLab_1.54.1371 - (09-16-2016) - Allow the user to print the charts via the application menu (View > Print) - Display the chart analytics data for acquisition runs with same color (opacity) as the chart traces - New cloud icon (upload arrow more visible) IOLab_1.54.1365 - (09-07-2016) - Player: Acquisition template (including calibration) - IOLabRepository: focus the repository window when pushing data to the repository IOLab_1.53.1359 - (08-24-2016) - Player: Question edition feature - IOLabRepository security fix - This version allows to upload the snapshots linked to an acquisition when uploading the acquisition IOLab_1.53.1342 - (08-17-2016) - Display an alert if a new iolab version is available on the server IOLab_1.53.1338 - (08-09-2016) - Fix IOLabRepository issue preventing to upload dataset - Fix parametric plot containing the wheel sensor (the norm of the wheel data is used instead of the real value) - Player: improve image size rendering when the window size is very small - Player: open external link (link) in default system browser IOLab_1.53.1331 - (07-12-2016) - Fix issue with two remotes selection introduced in version 1.46.1185 IOLab_1.53.1329 - (07-11-2016) - Fix issue causing empty chart list when coming back to a slide that we left in parametric plot mode IOLab_1.53.1327 - (07-06-2016) - Improve IOLabAPI C++ stability - Player: restore chart snapshot before going to the next slide when parametric plot mode is selected IOLab_1.52.1324 - (07-04-2016) - Fix MathJax font issue on windows - Improve parametric plot integration in lesson player IOLab_1.52.1318 - (07-01-2016) - player: parametric plot implementation (mvp) - player: implement a code block command to set the chart smoothing value - MathJax support (see documentation, slide section) - Update to electron 1.2.5 (new version of Chromium) IOLab_1.51.1310 - (06-23-2016) - player: save default scale setting in the snapshots - player: display fixed duration if any to the user - Update to electron 1.2.2 (new version of Chromium) - Fix issue when removing an acquisition from a set if a range is selected (area not removed) - Fix locking issue when a user come back to the last slide after going to previous slides IOLab_1.50.1298 - (06-19-2016) - Set up automatically a new acquisition run when removing the current run - Fix an issue in the player with the range selection when going backward and forward IOLab_1.50.1293 - (06-14-2016) - Fix chart bounding box in case of chart overlay (used for auto-scaling) - Fix broken ECG9 chart - Fix parametric plot for the split charts (wheel) - Allow user to take snapshot when no chart overlay - IOLabRepository compatibility - Acquisition and activity/report filtering in the resource modal IOLab_1.49.1272 - (06-08-2016) - Allow user to remove acquisition in acquisition sets (acquisition mode and lesson player) - Add fixed configuration list in documentation file - Allow user to continue lesson activity from the end of the previous session IOLab_1.49.1268 - (06-03-2016) - Re-zeroing of the force probe based on the first data points (acquisition start at zero) - Fix acquisition drifting for different sensors (sample time is now based on the real sampleRate) - Player: player-saved-slide command added - Player: player-set-acquisition-duration command added - Player: Display an alert when the remote is not available while setting fixed configuration - Upgrade to Electron 1.2.1 (node 6, chrome 51) - Windows: Update ejdb to version 1.2.10 IOLab_1.48.1249 - (05-31-2016) - Mac: Update boost to version 1.60 and ejdb to version 1.2.10 - Chart overlay (player and acquisition mode) - Fixed acquisition duration managed at the level of the C++API (player and acquisition mode) - Player: code-block commands for reverse-y-axis, y-axis-range - Player: improve style sheets for the slides elements (table, questions, font-size, ...) IOLab_1.46.1205 - (05-09-2016) - Do not autoscale the x-axis when duration is less than 10s - Fix y-axis settings with split charts (e.g. wheel sensor) IOLab_1.46.1201 - (05-04-2016) - In memory y-axis settings (allow to set Min/Max y-axis scale and toggle fixed scale option) - Chart height settings (automatic mode with min and max chart height) - Chart height autoscale in lesson player (automatic mode) - Chart height autoscale for the ECG9 - Split chart for the wheel (lesson player compatibility) - Display chart labels (horizontal and vertical axis) - Autoscale the FFT chart according to window size (horizontal axis) IOLab_1.46.1190 - (04-28-2016) - Split chart for the wheel (independent chart for the position, velocity and acceleration) - Chart height settings. 1/ Allow to specify the number of charts that should fit on the page or 2/ specify fixed small, medium or big chart height IOLab_1.46.1185 - (04-26-2016) - Move chart mode selection on the navbar and auto-hide chart controls to free up space IOLab_1.46.1178 - (04-19-2016) - Snapshot management in acquisition mode IOLab_1.46.1174 - (04-05-2016) - Export/import IOLab reports from lesson player. File extension *.lab IOLab_1.45.1136 - (03-016-2016) - Save calibration in reports IOLab_1.43.1130 - (03-04-2016) - Lesson player IOLab_1.40.1090 - (12-04-2015) - Initial version of IOLab application based on the framework IOLabCEF_0.38.1074 - (11-10-2015) - Allow sensor selection when exporting data to the IOLabRepository - Allow to reverse y-axis for Force, Wheel, Accelerometer and Gyroscope - Display firmware version (dongle and remotes) in the about section of the options menu IOLabCEF_0.37.1032 - (08-27-2015) - Calibration manager allowing to update the calibration constants manually (need recalibration of the devices) - The rezero feature is now available for the force probe also when the acquisition is stopped IOLabCEF_0.35.989 - (08-07-2015) - Fix bug: restore the pairing instructions - Improve data resampling when exporting to the IOLabRepository - Display mouse position in zoom mode - Display complete path of the csv file when exporting data to csv - Deactivation of the chart autoscaling when stoping the data acquisition - Implement the new fixed configuration (API level) for the Header_3V3 - Separate the configuration file (iolab.config.js) in the application resources and disable the javascript minification IOLabCEF_0.34.967 - (06-01-2015) - Test release with IOLabRepository integration IOLabCEF_0.33.950 - (05-23-2015) - Improve COM port detection on win32 (up to COM99999) - Adaptations for the IOLab-Repository release (WIP) IOLabCEF_0.32.911 - (04-21-2015) - Set default scale for analog sensors to 0V-4V and prevent zooming after acquisition - Make sure the two remotes are powered off when quitting the application - Improve pairing process, specially when pairing a remote while the other remote is paired and powered on - Fix issue with the event dispatcher sending wrong 'acquisitionStateChange' event from the hardwareAPI (Output management adaptation in webapp) IOLabCEF_0.31.901 - (04-03-2015) - Fix issue preventing to power off the second remote when quitting the application with two remote on - Close automatically the pairing modal when the pairing process is complete IOLabCEF_0.31.899 - (04-02-2015) - Fix crash occurring when saving the calibration while the database is not yet created - Fix crash occurring when resetting the barometer/temperature sensors after an acquisition by clicking two times quickly on the reset button - Fix crash occurring when trying to reload a two remotes acquisition with data records (from dongle) having different sizes (Eg, 'Accelerometer' & 'Header' fixed configurations) - Fix issue preventing the display of the charts from remote 2 when reloading an acquisition while the remote 2 is powered off. The button 'Remote 2' and 'Both' are never enabled in that case. IOLabCEF_0.30.880 - (03-16-2015) - New behavior for the "Reset" button: now, the first click resets the data and prepares the IOLab to perform a new acquisition for the same sensor selection. A second click clears the sensor selection. - Javascript files refactoring: the code is now structured in components (WIP) IOLabCEF_0.29.863 - (01-07-2015) - Save user data in the user's Documents folder on windows as on macosx - Set magnetometer default scale to 150 micro Tesla IOLabCEF_0.28.857 - (12-19-2014) - BUGFIX fix frequent crashing issue in Win-8 when reloading data introduced with the previous version IOLabCEF_0.27.847 - (12-11-2014) - Acquisition reload based on *.raw and *.bson files saved on rawdata working directory - Data loading performance improvement (use binary buffer instead of bson for the data transfer) IOLabCEF_0.26.810 - (11-20-2014) - ECG (9 leads) management with csv export of the original 6 leads - vertical and horizontal zoom available for the chart mode IOLabCEF_0.24.787 - (09-10-2014) - Two remotes management (initial release) IOLabCEF_0.24.726 - (08-17-2014) - Output config for D6 (on/off and low/high) - Fixed configuration 0x2F (ECG + A7/8/9) - Default data smoothing 5 for the wheel IOLabCEF_0.22.671 - (07-14-2014) - Unplug auto-detection workaround on win32 - Fix calibration not start acquisition automatically in some circumstances - Set output control available through a new Options menu (with calibration controls) IOLabCEF_0.20.657 - (07-08-2014) - Slope/area calculation in the chart analytics IOLabCEF_0.19.650 - (07-07-2014) - Set output control (prototype) IOLabCEF_0.19.649 - (07-04-2014) - Parametric Plot (first test version) - Sensor selection refactoring IOLabCEF_0.17.605 - (06-20-2014) - New zoom feature (Three chart modes: analytics / Zoom / Move) - Resampling of chart improvement (avoid artifacts with high frequency sensor) - New version of AngularJS (1.2.18) IOLabCEF_0.17.569 - (04-04-2014) - FFT analysis IOLabCEF_0.17.548 - (02-11-2014) - Invert the force probe calibration IOLabCEF_0.17.545 - (01-24-2014) - Chart ticks (horizontal lines) + Temperature deactivation on Pressure chart - Reset sensor selection when clicking on Reset btn - Improve sampling factor calculation for high frequency sensor to reduce antialiasing effect - Tests menu removed - Extra contextual menu cleaning IOLabCEF_0.16.534 - (01-02-2014) - Include the 'frame' and 'sample' numbers in the export file IOLabCEF_0.15.528 - (01-02-2014) - Adjuste the top header to properly deal with browser width narrowing - Set default scale of High Gain sensor to 1mV rather than 10mV IOLabCEF_0.15.524 - (12-17-2013) - Fix OSX resource file parsing containing "+" in the filename - Calibration process redesigned ####### VERSION NAMING CONVENTION (main version relates to API changes while minor one to code revision) ######### IOLabCEF_0.0.14 - (12-10-2013) - Backend support for the export feature file name (time_senrorName.csv) - win32 Packaging adaptation (new Resources folder instead of Release), the html folder is now located in the Resources folder - Implement different scale factors for different paths in the same chart (used with wheel) - Set color for the check box (legend) description - Invert scaling sliders - No more force call to setFixedConfig when selecting sensor already in the current fixedConfiguration IOLabCEF_0.0.13 - (12-05-2013) - Add icon on OSX - Additional sensors parameterization (chart scales, legends, units) - Force fixed config when selecting sensors if no data - Restore the calibration feature (styling still needed) - Disable X-sliders when the acquisition is running - Enable/disable the record button depending on the hardware state and sensor configuration - Adapt the X-zooming so that the center of the X-axis remains fixed IOLabCEF_0.0.12 - (11-27-2013) - New CEF version on the MaxOSX version (fix the slider issue) IOLabCEF_0.0.11 - (11-26-2013) - show/hide chart paths - framework for custom sensor parameterization (legend wording, units, path color...) - X-sliders reset when restart/reset the acquisition IOLabCEF_0.0.10 - (11-21-2013) - The name of the application is now 'IOLab' (no more cefclient) - Include new GUI (work in progress) - Export data feature: the data are exported in csv in a dedicated directory - Time Scale is now in second (internal representation + chart display) - The first data time is now 1/frequency (s) and no more zero - TimeStatistics is now managed synchronously on all charts in // IOLabCEF_0.0.9 - (11-15-2013) - WorkFiles directory management (check and create it if it doesn't exist) - Resetting of the sensor offset (Force probe & Wheel) - Element (chart) dragging support (experimental) IOLabCEF_0.0.8 - (10-30-2013) - Calibration of the force probe - API and GUI - Fix wheel problem display overlap (slope not known for the last points but computed afterwards) IOLabCEF_0.0.7 - (10-23-2013) - The API can now read the calibration data for the Acc/Mag/Gyro and use them to calibrate the data - Serial port detection improvement (prevent crash) IOLabCEF_0.0.6 - (10-22-2013) - Calibration process (Acc/Mag/Gyro) through modal view IOLabCEF_0.0.5 - (10-21-2013) - Database modal view (save + query) - Temporary fix to get COM port number from serial.tmp file IOLabCEF_0.0.4 - (10-17-2013) - Improvement of the AngularJS code - API support for the document base interaction (bson save and query execution). - Now display logs in the devTools console when the application tries to connect to the serial port IOLabCEF_0.0.3 - (10-16-2013) - Example of modal view (pairing process) using UI BootStrap ( IOLabCEF_0.0.2 - (10-16-2013) - Improvement of the zooming function (do not show negative x-coordinate when zooming out) IOLabCEF_0.0.1 - (10-15-2013) - Initial alpha version